Bradford African Community

What We do

The mandate and purpose of our community

Achieve Integration and Adaptation and Help to meet the need of Refugees by empowering them to participate fully in the UK society

We are here for you

We know that leaving your home country or familiar abode can sometimes be overwhelming in so many ways. Whatever the reason for your decision to move, Rest assured – as long as you have the right  attitude, you’ll surely and eventually settle into your new home in Bradford just fine.

All refugees and asylum seekers whether new or old, are welcome to Bradford African Community. We shall help you with integrating and adapting to the new life in the United Kingdom, especially Bradford. We hope to be an encouragement to you, so that you attain the ability to engage and participate in the society.

That's Not All

Furthermore, we support young people develop their skills, capacity and capability by encouraging and show them the right path to take. We strive to build a productive relationship and positive impact with all our pursuits.

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Educational service

We provide variety of these services including: Homework club for children and adult English conversational class. We also conduct Confidence building sessions.

Sports activities and leisure activities

We believe in keeping physically active by involving ourselves in sports and leisure activities. Some of the activities are; swimming sessions, bowling, fitness classes for women, football/soccer.

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Volunteering opportunities

We give chance to volunteers to help with the many activities and events carried out in our African community in Bradford. And this has helped us improve  our networking skills, exchange ideas and gain work experience.

Translation and interpretation services

We actually carry out translations and interpretations for various languages especially for the national languages where most of the African refugees and asylum seekers come from, like Swahili, Amharic, French, Lingala and Kinyarwanda.

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Drop in sessions

These sessions for African refugees and asylum seekers who need help with issues Job search, Help with correspondence, Welfare benefit issues and Arrangement for an official appointment.

Children play services

We are always looking out for the little ones, the children. Through some children activities, we are able to help them with language development, improve their self esteem and enhance their physical development.

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We offer volunteering opportunities and training service to the members of our communities so that they can secure paid jobs.